Tyler D. Smith

Principal Scientist


Tyler Smith has 15 years of experience that covers data modeling, software integration engineering, and user interface design. Tyler is leading the Army-funded Future Vertical Lift support effort, for which Galois is providing Model Based Engineering and Architecture Centric Virtual Integration (ACVIP) expertise and is co-lead of the Digital Future Acquisition Maintenance and Sustainment (D-FAMS) effort for rapid avionics software development and integration.

Tyler supported several recent and ongoing NASA efforts, including FRIGATE, a tool to automatically conduct formal sensor coverage analysis and generate failure recovery plans from traditional engineering models (summary video, CAMET subscriber link). On the CAFFMAD project, Tyler led formalization of design trade methodologies and multi-model (AADL and SysML) analysis approaches.

Tyler led the Army-funded ASoT study evaluating and demonstrating capabilities for analyzing design artifacts across multiple tools and organizations. He also led the Navy-funded SLICED project for software behavior integration analysis (demo video, CAMET subscriber link). He developed the strategy and tooling to combine a FACE data model and AADL behavior annex specifications to create SLICED’s composite state machine.

Tyler has led data modeling and open API development efforts and spearheaded our analysis interoperability strategy, which enables rapid integration of AADL-based analysis tools into a wide range of third-party system engineering environments. Additionally, he oversaw the Capstone Pilot Multi-Organization Model Integration exercise that validated AADL-based model integration (SAE International Paper), ASoT practices, and CVIT.

Tyler is a co-author of the AADL Annex for the FACE Technical Standard (Version 3.0), and he led the coordination effort with the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute’s development of the FACE Data Model to AADL translator. Tyler has authored several publications on information provenance and security, including Leveraging Archival Theory to Develop A Taxonomy of Online Disinformation and Countering Inside Threat Actors in Algorithm-Based Media.

Previously, while working with General Dynamics, Tyler led and supported numerous Full Motion Video capture, transmission, and analysis efforts for the Multi-INT Analysis and Archive System (MAAS). Mr. Smith maintained the MAAS database infrastructure and was heavily involved in maintenance and evolution of the MAAS data model.

He has an M.S. in Software Engineering and a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota.

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