Principal Scientist
Danielle Stewart joined Adventium Labs (now Galois) in August 2020. Her research focuses on safe and secure cyber physical systems, specifically applying formal methods during the development process to create evidence that safety and security requirements are satisfied by the deployed system.
Danielle’s current research focuses on bridging the gap between model-based analyses and deployed software-level analyses. She is pursuing research to reason about interactions between the software, run-time, and hardware of high assurance systems, and to formally verify that the resulting embedded system satisfies the mission-level requirements.
In earlier research, Danielle helped integrate formal methods into the safety assessment process. She worked closely with safety analysts in industry to develop techniques to provide the analysts with usable and understandable artifacts derived from verification efforts. She was a visiting researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR – Braunschweig) and consulted engineers on model-based safety engineering of unmanned aircraft. Danielle also collaborated with Collins Aerospace on a NASA research grant to apply formal methods to avionic systems.
She has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, as well as an M.S. and B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota Duluth.