Research Engineer
Bruce Lewis has over 35 years of experience in software reliant systems engineering and design. Bruce organized the SAE standardization committee for Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) and has chaired it since its inception 17 years ago. At Galois, Bruce supports our model-based system engineering research, development, and transition strategy, participating in Galois’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator (JMR-TD) support and related projects to ensure activities align with Army needs, address real-world problems, and are consistent with standards being developed.
Bruce is currently chairing the AADL standards committee, participating on Future Vertical Lift programs to transition ACVIP and AADL, assisting on research and development projects, and developing new analysis capabilities.
Prior to Galois, Bruce spent 29 years serving at the US Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development & Engineering Lab (now CCDC-AVM), where he was a key driver in the adoption of Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL). During his pioneering Army effort, Bruce:
As an invited member, Bruce played a strategic role in the industrial System Architecture Virtual Integration project (SAVI) and its experiments and process development.
Bruce also led a DARPA research team which developed a product line architecture for the missile domain, and re-engineered the Army TACMS missile system to that architecture using MetaH, the precursor to AADL. Bruce then transitioned the missile product line architecture to the SAE JAWS standardized architecture which was used on Army robotic platforms.
He has an M.S. in Industrial Administration from Purdue University and a B.S. in Physics from Taylor University.