Abstract: Thanks to work by Bryan O'Sullivan, there has been a renaissance in performance benchmarking tools for Haskell, built upon Criterion.Compared to most other benchmarking frameworks (for any programming language, not just Haskell), criterion focuses on being easy to use, informative, and robust.Criterion uses statistically robust mechanisms for sampling and computing sound microbenchmark results, and is more stable in the presence of noise on the system than naive timings.Criterion has in turn spawned some extensions:
In this talk I will present these tools, how to use them, and how to make your performance benchmarks in Haskell, or languages Haskell can talk to, more reliable.Bio: Don is an Australian open source hacker, and engineer at Galois, Inc, in Portland, Oregon, where he works on creating trustworthiness and assurance in critical systems with an emphasis on language design and compiler techniques. Don is co-author of the book, Real World Haskell, published by O'Reilly, and the XMonad window manager.
Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. An RSVP is not required, but feel free to contact the organizer with questions and comments.