Galois, Inc., a Portland, Oregon research and development company, has been awarded two Phase I Small Business Innovative Research contracts. Galois will be engaging with the Department of Energy and the Department of Homeland Security on innovative technology solutions.
Galois has been granted a Phase I SBIR from the Department of Homeland Security to develop a reusable identity management metasystem which will be designed foundationally to support government certification for deployment across agency boundaries, focusing on open standards, secure development, and a cross-domain design.The Department of Homeland Security's charter has a fundamental requirement to collaborate with other government agencies. Secure collaboration on this scale requires strong identity management which can "vouch for" DHS personnel working with other agencies and makes it possible to provide DHS resources to individuals in other agencies whose work requires it. Anticipated Benefits: This work will provide an opportunity to deploy standard trusted components in a variety of agencies, each of which can continue to maintain its own method of managing identity and authorization. Agencies can share information based on this layer, which will evolve to support a wide variety of needs. Potential commercial applications: Compliance with government standards of trustworthiness in software used for critical purposes, along with a user-centric approach to identity management, can enable Internet users to merge their many usernames and passwords, allow critical transactions to be executed with a higher degree of trust, and help bring about an environment where e-voting increases voters' trust in the validity of the outcome of elections.
Galois has been granted a Phase I SBIR from the Department of Energy to implement a Web 2.0 collaboration system based on Grid technologies. Galois' system will allow dispersed scientific teams to collaborate effectively on large amounts of data produced by collections of networked computers.Grid computing makes accessible significant computational and data resources to distributed teams of scientific researchers. In doing so, it also poses a challenge: How do distributed teams collaborate effectively with these resources?The problem is determining how best to apply social and collaboration software techniques to improve the efficiency of collaboration between distributed teams working on grid systems.Potential Commercial Applications: Grid computing is inherently social in the sense of involving multiple, loosely connected parties. Social collaboration in the area of large datasets is relevant to industrial and academic scientists.
Galois is a research and development company with a strong drive to transition technology from research into practice in the commercial and government sphere. Located in downtown Portland, Galois is a company of around 35 employees, including software developers, project managers, and business development personnel. Galois has experience in programming language design and compiler implementation, secure web application development, secure operating system development, and several other fields. Since its founding in 1999, Galois has been funded for R&D by members of the Intelligence Community and the DoD. Read more about Galois' research and technology on their web site: