Our team at Galois, Inc. is interested in making secure computation practical. Much of our secure computation work has focused on linear secret sharing (LSS, a form of multi-party computation) and the platform we’ve built on that technology. However, we’ve also done a fair bit of comparison between LSS, garbled circuit approaches, and homomorphic encryption (HE). We recently noticed that Shai Halevi and Victor Shoup’s open source homomorphic encryption library HElib was just waiting for someone to implement some interesting block ciphers. In this post, we talk about our experience implementing and evaluating performance of the SIMON block cipher in HElib. Our implementation processes 1800 64b blocks in parallel, achieving a rate of 3.1 seconds per block.
In homomorphic encryption (HE), a user encrypts data and sends it to a single untrusted server. That server, which does not hold the encryption key, computes on the encrypted data and returns an encrypted answer to the user. Each step in HE computation accumulates noise that eventually makes the plaintext unrecoverable unless extra time-consuming steps (informally called bootstrapping) are taken. When these steps are not taken, HE cryptosystems are typically called somewhat homomorphic (SHE for short). When bootstrapping is used, more complex computations can be performed. Such cryptosystems are typically called fully homomorphic (FHE for short).
Unfortunately, making HE practical is challenging. HE is very much (many orders of magnitude) slower than computing the same result “in the clear”. Typical HE ciphertexts are also far (thousands to millions of times) bigger than the plaintexts they represent. Even with such challenges, the promise of HE is compelling, particularly where mobile devices may have insufficient computational power, cloud-based servers may be readily used to outsource such computation, and users are not prepared to trust those servers with their (plaintext) data.
As of this posting, HElib as available on github falls into the SHE category. Shai and Victor have indicated that they plan to make bootstrapping (and thus FHE) available in a few weeks. To gain experience using HElib, we implemented a member of the SIMON block cipher family. SIMON is a new family of lightweight block ciphers released by the NSA in 2013. We implemented SIMON with 64 bit block size and 128 bit key size. The SIMON specification calls for 44 processing “rounds” in SIMON 64/128, which we were able to implement using the current (somewhat homomorphic) version of HElib.
Key portions of our SIMON implementation are shown below encoded in Cryptol, a domain-specific language for expressing cryptographic algorithms developed by Galois and widely used in some government agencies. Cryptol is designed to describe cryptographic algorithms at a level of abstraction very close to mathematical specification, to minimize the likelihood of error when translating from specification to code. The Cryptol tool suite supports automated verification for some target languages that implementation matches a Cryptol description. The Cryptol suite can also automatically generate certain implementations from Cryptol descriptions. Using Cryptol’s support for SAT solvers, we have proven some properties of our SIMON implementation: absence of weak keys, injectivity of key expansion, and identity of decryption composed with encryption.
-- encRound is the core of our SIMON implementation
-- It takes a key and a 64b plaintext block,
-- divided into two 32b chunks.
-- As with all Feistel ciphers, at each round we
-- swap the chunks and only manipulate one of them.
-- type signature for encRound:
encRound : [32] -> ([32], [32]) -> ([32], [32])
-- implementation of encRound:
encRound k (x, y) = (y ^ f x ^ k, x)
-- f is a helper function that performs
-- rotations and xors over a chunk of input.
f : [32] -> [32]
f x = ((x <<< 1) && (x <<< 8)) ^ (x <<< 2)
-- encrypt performs one encRound on the input
-- for each of the keys
encrypt : [4][32] -> ([32], [32]) -> ([32], [32])
encrypt k0 b0 = bs ! 0
bs = [b0] # [ encRound k b | b <- bs | k <- ks ]
ks = expandKey k0
Note: find the whole Cryptol specification for SIMON in simon.cry
This description specifies what we set out to implement, using HElib as a platform. Ciphertexts in HElib are composed of vectors of elements of certain rings. For our implementation, we use Ring(2). Thus each element in the ciphertext vector represents a single bit. HElib also supports the notion of "packing" multiple plaintexts into a single ciphertext, and computing on these in parallel, in a SIMD-like paradigm. The number of plaintexts packable into a ciphertext, which we call nSlots, is impacted by a number of parameters, including the maximum supported computation depth of the circuit, which we call L. As we vary L to allow for more computation and parallelism, we also affect the cost of the computation in the form of the size of cryptographic keys used at each level in the Boolean circuit.
Blocks for the SIMON block cipher are 64b in size, but must be manipulated as two 32b halves (typical of Feistel ciphers). Because of this natural structure, we first implemented ciphertexts as two vectors of 32b each. In our implementation, the nSlots parameter is much larger than 32, so we padded the ciphertexts with zeroes, not taking advantage of packing. We represent these vectors as follows:
// a plaintext block is simply two 32b unsigned integers
struct pt_block {
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
// we encrypt each half by itself
Ctxt heEncrypt(const FHEPubKey& k, uint32_t x) {
vector vec = uint32ToBits(x);
pad(0, vec, global_nslots);
Ctxt c(k);
global_ea->encrypt(c, k, vec);
return c;
// then, a secret block is simply two ciphertexts
struct heBlock {
Ctxt x;
Ctxt y;
The SIMON algorithm requires use of addition in GF(2) (that is, XOR), multiplication in GF(2) (AND), negation, and both left and right rotations. HElib provides the required addition and multiplication primitives. However, we must compose our own negation function by bitwise XOR with a vector of all ones:
// x is the ciphertext, global_maxint is the all 1's vector
void negate32(Ctxt &x) {
x += \*global_maxint;
Because HElib provides shift operations but not rotation, we create the required rotation functions. Because this is a bit tricky, we use Cryptol to specify our rotation approach and prove its correctness.
Below is our resulting HElib code for rotation.
void rotateLeft32(Ctxt &x, int n) {
Ctxt other = x;
global_ea->shift(x, n);
global_ea->shift(other, -(32-n));
// x |= other. must do demorgan's law manually
// since we do not have bitwise OR in HElib
At this point, we have all the basic functions we need to build SIMON. Next, we implement the key function on which SIMON depends: encRound. Implementing encRound is straightforward and follows directly from the Cryptol:
void encRound(Ctxt key, heBlock &inp) {
Ctxt tmp = inp.x;
Ctxt x0 = inp.x;
Ctxt x1 = inp.x;
Ctxt x2 = inp.x;
Ctxt y = inp.y;
rotateLeft32(x0, 1);
rotateLeft32(x1, 8);
rotateLeft32(x2, 2);
y += x0;
y += x2;
y += key;
inp.x = y;
inp.y = tmp;
We evaluated this approach by testing performance and ability to complete SIMON without exceeding the allowable circuit depth. In one experiment, the computation took unreasonable time: 14 hours for a single block at a circuit depth (L=80) that allowed the computation to finish all rounds correctly. In another experiment, the computation was much faster, but cannot complete all rounds within the homomorphic noise threshold, completing only 10 rounds of the required 44 in 500 seconds with L=16. We concluded that this first approach was unworkable in practice.
For our next try, we adopted the concept used by Smart et al. to achieve concurrency in leveled homomorphic AES implementations. This idea, called "bit-slicing", interleaves individual bits of multiple plaintexts.
First, we select the same bit from each plaintext, and form a vector of those bits. For example, a vector is formed by selecting the first bit of each plaintext in a group of plaintexts. Next, each vector is homomorphically encrypted. Then we form a vector of the resulting ciphertexts. This vector thus contains the ciphertexts for all included plaintexts.
While this original motivation for this approach was to achieve concurrency with appropriate computing resources, we use it for a different purpose. The highest cost computational primitive in our SIMON implementation is rotation. Rotation is expensive because (as shown in simon-blocks.cpp) it requires bitwise OR, which in turn requires multiplication.
Each of the 44 rounds in SIMON requires three such rotations in addition to the other multiplications and additions used. Because addition is inexpensive and there is only a single other multiplication per round, rotation dominates computational cost. The bit-slicing approach allows us to rotate "for free" by simply permuting indices in the vector of ciphertexts. Thus the multiplication involved in rotation is eliminated, reducing the number of multiplications per round of SIMON from 4 to 1. See the resulting implementation at simon-simd.cpp.
With this new approach and a selection of L=23, we were successful at completing all rounds of SIMON without the need for recryption. Our implementation achieves 126 seconds per round. Thus all 44 rounds are completed in 1 hour and 52 minutes. This compares favorably to our naive implementation that required 14 hours. In addition, L=23 (along with our choices for other parameters) allows us nSlots of up to 1800. Taking advantage of this parallelism, we process 1800 64b blocks concurrently for performance averaging 70ms per round, or 3.1 seconds per block.
Block ciphers are a popular class of benchmark applications for secure computation. A linear secret sharing implementation of AES-128 on the Galois ShareMonad platform was for some time the fastest known secure computation implementation of AES, achieving 3ms per block [LAD12]). Our implementation of SIMON on HElib adds to this body of work the first known implementation of a modern block cipher using this library. Our code base is available at github. In the near future, we plan to explore the upcoming recryption capability in HElib to implement and study AES in this framework.
The authors greatly appreciate the time and effort of Tom DuBussion and Getty Ritter of Galois, Inc. in helping with implementation.
[LAD12] J. Launchbury, A. Adams-Moran, and I. Diatchki, Efficient Lookup-TableProtocol in Secure
Multiparty Computation. In Proc. International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), 2012.