This post originally appeared on the Adventium Labs website. Adventium was acquired by Galois in 2022.
Adventium Labs, in conjunction with John Hatcliff and his research team at Kansas State University, has won an Air Force Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award to increase aircraft survivability by addressing information security vulnerabilities in complex cyber-physical systems.
Led by Adventium’s chief engineer, Todd Carpenter, the two-year $750,000 project, called MAILLE (Microkernel Application Information fLow with Logic-based Enforcement), will allow system architects to manage information flow risks. This will help them increase mission resiliency and survivability of mission-critical systems, while reducing cost and schedule overruns that can occur when information flow problems are discovered late in the system development process.
Phase I demonstrated MAILLE in the context of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) derived from DARPA’s Cyber Assured Systems Engineering (CASE) program. In Phase II, the team will integrate MAILLE with existing tools on Adventium Labs’ CAMET® Library of Model-based System Engineering (MBSE) tools.